As Featured in:


Children with cancer, adults with compassion

The Jewish Standard (May 2023)
Oded Grinstein knew firsthand that the complexities of finding the right doctors and treatments add significant tension and concern to an already extraordinarily difficult situation. MCC’s medical expertise, coupled with compassionate volunteers who are committed to making the journey as comfortable as possible, are irreplaceable.”

Read the Article here!

Cancer during covid

The Jewish News Syndicate (August 13, 2020)

“Pediatric cancer doesn’t stop,” Mr. Kasdan said. “It doesn’t even slow down. That means that families who came here from Israel during the pandemic had a very hard time even going out to get groceries, because they are high risk.”

Read the Article here!

An Israeli parent’s medical struggle turns into his ‘tikkun olam’

The Jewish News Syndicate (January 31, 2020)

After Oded Grinstein’s daughter Shani was diagnosed with a very rare and aggressive type of sarcoma at just 9 months old, the Israeli parent struggled to find information about the cancer that threatened her life.

Read the Article here!


The Jewish Standard (July 12, 2019)

Oded Grinstein makes very smart lemonade from what could have been nightmarish lemons.

Read the Article here!

Oded Grinstein, MyChild’sCancer’s founder, was a featured speaker at the IAC conference in 2019. There were over 4,000 attendees. Even if one child can be saved by our presence, it's all worth it.
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