Romy B celebrated her 12th birthday, also known as Jewish Bat-Mitzvah by doing good to others.
When a Jewish girl turns 1 2, she has all the rights and obligations of a Jewish adult (Bat Mitzvah means "daughter of commandment"). From that date, she takes her place in the Jewish community.
In the spirit of the season off Fall & Giving, Romy elected to focus on donating to the charity of her choice - 'MyChild'sCancer'. It is an amazing, non-profit organization giving children & their families the knowledge, power & hope to push forward through the most difficult diagnosis any child & parent can receive.
MyChild'sCancer programs to help kids with cancer find the best cancer treatment via personalized cancer research to find the best experts, treatment and drugs for each and every child fighting cancer. They help saving lives and organs.
To support this charity, Romy held a seasonal juice & baked goods stand.
Thank you to everyone who joined and supported our cause!